Of course, there will be the baby receiving the Brit Milah, the Mohel, and the parents. Also, there will need to be a special honoree of the highest merit, called the Sandak, who will hold the infant during the bris milah. Others include the Kvatter and Kvatterin, who are also extended special honors at the Bris Milah.
Family Name: |
Child: |
Mother: |
K’vatterin: |
(Woman honored with bringing in the baby) |
K’vatter: |
(Man honored with taking the baby from the K’vatterin to the bris area) |
Seat of Eliyahu: |
(Man honored with placing the baby on a chair designated for Eliyahu) |
From the seat: |
(Man honored with transfering the baby to its Father, from the seat) |
Sandek: |
(Man honored with holding the baby during the actual circumcision) |
Sandek Sheini: |
(Man honored with holding the baby during the naming) |
Krias Shaim: |
(Man honored with reciting the naming prayer) |
Hamotzi: |
Benching: |
(Man honored with leading the Grace After Meal) |
Harachamans: |
(Special blessings made for the baby and Honorees) |
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6: |
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