December 8, 2003
Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation
P.O.Box 8300
San Francisco, Ca 94128-8300
Dear Sirs:
Re: Recommendation regarding the Ezrat Achim Brit Yosef Yitzchak Organization
I am writing to you on behalf of the Brit Yosef Yitzchak organization, the largest and the most active and well-known organization that performs circumcisions for the holocaust survivors living on the territory of the former Soviet Union (FSU) including Ukraine. These people have long deprived by the Nazis and, later, the Soviet totalitarian regime of the possibility to fulfill this basic requirement of the Jewish religion. Now at the decline of the worthy and often extremely hard lives the holocaust survivors view circumcision as their final mission which will make their being complete and meaningful. The Brit Yosef Yitzchak organization not just helps them with the procedure, but also bears all expenses ranging from the cost of the operating room, rent of medical equipment, and payment to physicians, to transportation, supplies, and outreach. The medical assistance provided by this organization is particularly important since all holocaust survivors, who are elderly and, due to the improper health care in the FSU countries, are often sick people, require quality medical attention, during and after the procedure.
The Brit Yosef Yitzchak organization has helped tens of thousands of male Jews including thousands of holocaust survivors very many of them, who I personally know, claimed that without the assistance of Brit Yosef Yitzchak, financial as well as organizational, they would have still been unable to fulfill the commandment of G-d and to become righteous Jews. I know of thousands of holocaust survivors still awaiting their circumcision. Therefore the organization has to continue its prominent activities and needs funding to sustain the level of efficiency it is now known for.
I highly recommend that this organization be included to receive funding from the settlement fund’s residuals. This money will go a long way to help and make a meaningful benefit for thousands of the holocaust survivors in Ukraine and FSU by enabling them to fulfill their obligation in the face of G-d and to do it in safe and comfortable hospital conditions with due medical attention.
Rabbi Meyer Stambler, Chairman
