Sringolian Soren is 17 years old.
He lives in Petach-Tikvah.
He came to Israel from Armenia in the year 5760 (6 years ago).
He didn’t do a Brit until he came to Israel.
He had his Brit done on July 13th, 2006 and his Hebrew name is now Oren.
He heard about us from a Russian newspaper.
Thank You Letter Translation:
My name is Sringolian Tanya, I came to Israel from Armenia together with my son Soren in Aug 2000. When he turned 16 he decided to keep all the Jewish rules and especially Brit Milah. I am very thankful to the Organization Brit Yosef Yitzchak and especially Levy Drimer for making my son’s wish a reality. Thank you for making my son feel like a realy Jew. I thank everyone who were involved in making this happen.
With respect,
Sringolian Tanya
