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Mark Stevens

Marc Stevens is 22 years old.
He lives in Tel-Aviv.
He arrived to Israel from England in the year 5761(5 years ago).
He did not have a Brit Milah until he came to Israel.
He finally had his Brit done On May 14, 2006 and his Hebrew name is now Mordechai Yosef.
He heard about our organization from a friend that had his Brit done by us.

Thank You Letter Translation:
I give my thanks for sue for years I have not been blessed with this joyous occasion. It was a great Mitzvah and I give all my thanks for your help and support, may G-d bless you with everything you need and work. Once again thank you, and may Mashiach come speedily in our days.
Toda Raba

Yours sincerely,
Marc Dean Stevens

click here to view the original letter